Athletic Booster Club

BCHS Athletic Booster Club invites parents, alumni and friends of BCHS to Trivia Night 2025! Have fun, meet old friends, make new! In cooperation with Hambone’s Trivia, we’re looking forward to an evening of fun on Friday, March 21, 2025 in the main BCHS gym!
- Check in begins at 6:30 p.m. with trivia starting around 7:00 p.m.
- $300/team for 6 rounds of play with up to 10 members per team
- This is an over-21 event for all players.
- Make a reservation as an individual ($30) and we’ll create a table for you.
- Sponsor a round of play for $500, which includes play for one table
- 20 beers per team are provided; bring additional refreshments and food of your choice
- A bonus ‘VIP” will be auctioned whose answers can be used for one round at the auction-winning table.
- Registration deadline is Thursday, March 20 at 11:00 pm.
Note: Teen Trivia Night also scheduled for this night has been canceled.
Can’t attend but would like to support the event? Donate to the event here

Become a 2024-2025 Athletic Booster Club Member/Sponsor!
The Athletic Booster Club has directly funded between $30-$45,000/per year! This assistance enables our teams to succeed & keeps down additional expenses for the department, athletes and their families. Join now to receive your all-season pass and membership gift.
Coming Soon
2024-25 Sports Magazine
- Season pass(es) for all non-tournament home athletic contests (What a deal!)*
- Membership gift
- Periodic specials and BCBC email updates
- A ‘Thank You’ listing in our Booster Club electronic magazine and on this Athletic Booster Club webpage
- Best of all, your support directly funds all athletic programs and keeps expenses down
*benefits received vary with membership level
Volunteer Opportunities
Hospitality Committee
Help plan and implement raffles, Trojan Tailgates and other events
Membership Committee
Help solicit memberships and organize membership data
Contact Jennifer Priser – or Nicole Duncan
Sponsorship and Publications Committee
Assist in selling ads, finding corporate sponsors and organizing publishing of the seasonal programs
Contact: Mike Ford,
If you have a request to use the Trojan Horse, please email, providing date, time and type of event along with your contact information, and we’ll get in touch with you!
2024 / 2025 Top Level Sponsors

We thank the 2024-25 sponsors below.
Varsity Club Members/Sponsors
- Bob & Sheila (Gamache) Bates
- Daniel & Shannon Bayha
- Bruce & Jeanne Conner
- The Dial Family – Andretti Foundation
- Jennifer & Aaron Dixon-Ice Miller
- Matt Duncan & Kate Roberts-BAIRD | The Duncan Group
- Russ & Kelli Lawrence-Russ Lawrence Real Estate
- Mattingly-NCW
- Mike & Heather McGinley-McGinley Reitz Financial
- The Mohler Family
- Mike, Jackie, Connor & Kelly Noll-The Noll Landscape Group Inc
- O’Brien Automotive Family
- Jim & Jamie Pike-Distinct Images, Inc.
- Reed Family-Klarity Mental Health
- Trent & Jill Sandifur
- The Sullivan Family-Sullivan Hardware & Garden
Trojan Pride Members/Sponsors
- Babcock Family-James Babcock Inc. Electrical Contractors
- William & Jennifer Bean
- Nate & Rachel Berzai
- Doug & Wendy Brown
- The Bruce & Thatcher Family
- Derek & Julie Dant Family
- Joseph & Laura DiSalvo-ACRE Capital
- Joe Ford, BC Class of ’69
- The Forestal Family
- Peter & Jenny Forsee
- Jay & Nicole Geise-HIS Management Corp.
- Gwin/Beadles Family
- Jodi Hettermann Blume-Carpenter Realtors
- Nick Lake-Dental Inplant Institute
- Katie & Larry Langlois
- Mark McAllister-Hittle Landscaping
- The McClellan Family
- Aaron Morrow-LJI Wealth Management
- Ochall Family
- Ross Family
- Steve & Anita Sergi-The Sergi Realty Group
- Swickheimer Family
- Lee & Katie Thompson
- John Traub-Theile Heating & Air
- Tremain Tile Marble & Granite
Athletic Booster Club Members

Athletic Booster Club Members are an important part of our Athletic Program. Various levels of membership are available, many including season passes for home events. All memberships receive periodic specials and BCBC email updates!
2024/2025 Royal Blue Members
- Dan & Ana Adams
- Adam & Stephanie Adler
- Kelly & Jeff Allen
- Katherine Althoff & Gordon Castetter
- Casey & Sarah Anderson
- Anne & Todd Andrews
- Andrew & Corinne Amrhein and Familty
- Pete & Joy Arquette
- Andrew & Jamie Baldwin
- Mary Ellen & Michael Ball
- Valerie & Victoria Ball
- Andrew & Jen Bard
- Andy & Jen Barkley
- Becker Family
- Sean & Claire Belby
- Bob & Karin Bell and Family
- Matt & Heather Benson
- Tracy Betz & Travis Sandifur
- Bielefelds
- James & Melissa Bolen
- Jason & Stephanie Borem
- Brent & Mandy Borg
- Bryant & Annette Bray
- Mark (’89), Amy, Joe(’24) & Hannah(’26) Bridenstine
- Bryan Brown
- Ed & Emily Brown
- Bryce Family
- Dave & Carol Burchard
- Bustamante Family
- Mike & Kelly Caskey
- Kip & Nicole Chase
- Sean & Jillian Chesebrough
- The Christenberry Family
- Alan & Jan ’88 Clements
- John & Alissa Cohoat
- Jed & Emily Cornforth
- Brad & Eileen Countryman
- Joel & Betsy Cox
- The Cullen Family
- Brent Cuniffe
- James & Nellita Cuniffe
- Dr. Jim & Mrs. Dalton
- Deichmann Family
- Robert & Susan DeVoss
- Jennifer & Eric Dudik
- Bryan & Julia Dunn
- Myron & Marianne Echelbarger
- Ellis Family
- Eric & Stephanie Engler
- The Faris Family
- Greg & Mary Beth Fehribach
- Mike & Kristin Felts
- Tom & Sherry Figura
- Cyrus Fisher
- Fleming Family
- Brandon Folck
- Susan & Jeremiah Frasier
- Sean & Meredith Fredrickson
- Steve & Sara Freeman
- Chris & Colleen (O’Connor) ’89 Fuydal
- Gantz Family
- Kyle & Danielle Grose
- Jerry & Chrissy Haas
- Carol & Mike Hagan
- Connie & Michael Haines
- Patrick & Alissa Hankee
- Dan & Jenny Hanrahan
- David & Heather Harrell
- Jim & Lyndsy Harrington
- John & Stephanie Harrington
- Amber & Corey Hart
- Guy & Gail Hartwell
- Dan & Mandy Heslin
- Matt & Amanda Hibbeln
- Ashley & Derek Hileman
- Karen & Mark Holdridge
- Kurt & Danica Hostettler
- Ryan & Carie Hulzebos
- Joe & Emily Hummel
- The Hurtz Family
- Luke & Katie Jahn
- Iain & Sally James
- Susan Jennings
- Kyle & Nikki Johnson
- Jane & Mike Jones
- Michael & Maureen Jordan
- Andy Jurczak
- Mike & Jennifer Kaplan
- Ken & Marianna Kassenbrock
- The Keating Family
- Vince & Katy Keating
- Nathan Kelly
- Missy & Tom Kramer
- Dave & Becky Kroner
- Kuehr Family
- Kumler Family
- Michael & Gina Lake
- Lam Law Office
- Jacob & Beth Leffler
- Phil Lehmkuhler
- The Leuer Family
- Tom & Suzanne Lewis
- Tim & Josephine Lilla
- The Litwin Family
- Jon & Carolyn Lowry
- Coach Lucas Family
- Robert & Brittianee Lunsford
- Ben & Tara Lutes
- Mann Family
- David & Catherine Marrano
- Marty & Michelle Mates
- Matt & Karissa Mayol
- Mcallister
- McCauley Family
- Greg & Jennifer McCormack
- Hugh & Kate McGowan
- Matt & Jamie McGraw
- John & Chris McHugh
- Bob & Jackie McKinney
- Don & Theresa McMahon
- Scott & Janet McNabb
- Eric & Julie McNamar
- Margo & Patrick McNamee
- Brian & Laurie McQueen
- Jack & Candice Mees
- Tom Michalic & Family
- Patrick Miles-Ancient Order of Hibernians
- Bryan & Sheila Miller
- The Milner Family
- Chad & Angela Minch
- The Mitchell Family
- Monachino Family
- Anne & Dave Monahan
- Penny & Bob Murphy
- Conor & Carrie Murphy
- Deanna & Pat Murphy
- John & Julie Nagel
- Dan & Bes Neal
- The Noel Family
- Nunley
- The O’Briens
- Tom & Elizabeth O’Gara
- Robert & Katie Orr
- Mark & Lola Paras
- Robert & Susan Paz
- Harry & Jane Pettibone
- Ryan & Ashli Pettibone
- Beth & James Piatt
- Peters Family
- Adam & Michelle Post
- Shannen & Jennifer (Traub ’88) Priser
- Vicki Harding Queck & Brian Queck
- Steve & Krista Ramusack
- Adriana & Drew Ratterman
- Reed
- Mike & Polly Reynolds
- Amanda & Jamie Rickard
- Jordan & Katie Riggs
- Kristin Rushenberg
- John & Paula Ryan
- Andy & Jessie Sahm
- Jesse & Amy Savage
- Bill & Cokie Scheidler
- John B. Scheidler ’72
- Tim & Sara Schluge
- Andy (’93) & Aly Schroeder
- Mike & Kathy Score
- Chris & Kathy Seaton
- Mike & Holly Semler
- Joe & Kristine Seufert
- Todd & Shannon Shaw
- Doris Shelton & Mary Ellen Bossom
- John & Suzanne Sherby
- Chad & Hilary Slider
- Small Family
- Mike & Megan Smith
- Richard & Angie Sontag
- Doug & Krista Stahly
- Nathan Stornetta
- Scott & Amy Szentes
- Mark & Amy Taylor
- Scott & Haylee Teeple
- CJ & Monica Theriac
- Susan Thoben-Green
- Joe & Erin Thompson
- Art & Jennifer Timpe
- Vince & Cindy Todd
- Tomlinson Family
- Mark & Kristin Tomyn
- Angie & Mike Tragesser
- Kevin & Victoria Turner & Family
- Matt & Claire Tuschong
- Andy & Karen Valiquett
- Noha & Eric Vicars
- Tom & Mary Ann Walden
- Andy & Lisa Washburn
- Paul & Mary Weaver
- Seamus & Lori Wheeler
- Ryan Wilmering
- Karen & Jay Wirts
- Daniel & Elizabeth Wright
- Yancey Family
- Mary Zahn & Family
2024/25 White Level Members
- Andrea & Kent Anderson
- Anonymous
- Eileen Noone Benson
- Betz
- Brickley Family
- Jim & Marsha Cline
- The Cunninghams
- Scot & Amy Dawson
- Brian & Sarah Dilts
- The Dudley Family
- Andrew & Julie Fier
- Stephanie Forestal
- L. Leona Frank
- Mike Frederick
- Matt Gries
- C. David Harpe
- Cody Kendall
- Jamie Kendall
- The Lepper Family
- Greg & Kim Moriarty
- Brian Naab
- Newmann Family
- Julie Otte
- Chris Roberson
- Lanny & Kate Rossman
- SRG Boxing Gym
- Amber Webster
- Joseph Wiesinger
- Brian & Christa Wynk
- Tim Youngblood
2024/25 Patron Members
- Jim and Kathie Church
- Paula Fitzgerald
- Deborah Lepper
- James & Heather Monaldi
- Jeff & Susan Moore
- Kyle & Katie Pappas
- Sharece Phillips
- Judy Quackenbush
- JL Winston
2023/24 Athletic Booster Club Board of Directors
Brian Gantz
Jennifer Priser
Shannen Priser
Dave Monahan
Eileen Countryman
- Nicole Duncan
- Cam Ellis
- John Garing
- John Garing
- Megan Kalesperis
- Pete Bustamante
- Phil Lehmkuler
- Joni Forestal
About BCHS Athletics Booster Club
Our Activities
- Fall Membership Drive
- Trojan Tailgating
- Seasonal Sports Magazines
- Trivia Night
Our Sponsorships
- Money raised supports all levels of student-athlete activites and needs at BCHS.
Our Mission
The Bishop Chatard Booster Club seeks to support all athletic programs at Bishop Chatard High School by promoting excellence, pride, good sportsmanship and a sense of community amongst the student body and all who support Bishop Chatard Athletics.
With over 75 percent of the students at BCHS participating in at least one sporting activity, the Athletic Booster Club strives to enable these students to participate in a supporting environment.