Athletic Training Room
Bishop Chatard Athletic Training in partnership with Ahlfeld Sports Medicine strives to provide quality, Christian care in a compassionate manner. Our Athletic Trainer, Andrew Catlin, and our Athletic Training Room are available to address the student-athletes’ needs. Our AT Andrew Catlin is available to student athletes in and out of season.
BCHS Head Athletic Trainer
Andrew Catlin
Include the Athletic Trainer in your Care Team
Athletic trainers (ATs) wear multiple hats depending on the need (rehab specialist, first responder, triage, counselor, coach, etc). Include ATs into your care team because they:
- know your student’s personalities
- are readily available on campus
- provide free health care in the school
- have a wide network of other healthcare providers
- care about your student’s health and wellbeing
What’s the difference between a ‘trainer’ and an ‘Athletic Trainer’?
Andrew Catlin, ATC, joined the BCHS staff in early fall 2022, as our Athletic Trainer. Andrew has a B.A. & M.S. in Athletic Training, Associates in Physical Therapy Assistance and M.S. in Biology. He has worked as an ATC for Pacer’s officials, Butler Ice Hockey, Indy Impalas, Columbus Vanguard, Indy Alleycats. He has also worked at Herron, International and Tindley H.S. and Wake Forest and Miami (OH) University
Steven K. Ahlfeld, MD has been in private practice in Indianapolis as an orthopaedic surgeon since 1984. During that time he has become a recognized leader in Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine. Dr. Ahfleld has been serving the Bishop Chatard community for over 30 years. He is routinely on campus watching practices and games to ensure a wholesome approach to the student-athlete’s injuries. His sideline experience provides Bishop Chatard with the best care for the students.
If a student is injured during athletic practice or competition, please notify Andrew about the injury. He will evaluate the injury and share her professional opinion. If the injury warrants a physician referral or you desire a physician’s opinion, please contact Ahfleld Sports Medicine at (317) 575 – 6515. Dr. Ahlfeld is the primary provider to Bishop Chatard Athletics and will see your student athlete promptly. More information can be found at
If you receive a second opinion from another health care professional, documentation outlining a diagnosis and participation levels MUST be shared with Andrew before participating in sport. If you are under a physician’s care or saw a physician due to an injury, you MUST have a written release from the doctor in order to return to practice/games/contests. A verbal release from the doctor is NOT acceptable.
Bishop Chatard High School encourages student-athletes and their parents to communicate with our certified and licensed athletic trainer about any questions or issues that may arise during their time at Bishop Chatard. We are all on the same team, working toward a common goal.
Why Athletic Training is Essential to Healthcare
Athletic trainers bridge the gap between the athletic field and the healthcare system. At Bishop Chatard, Andrew Catlin is available after school each day as the primary healthcare provider for students following the final bell. A typical day is filled with injury assessments, therapeutic interventions, and participation decisions for the student athletes. When an injury occurs, Andrew springs into action to decide the severity of an injury and the next steps for care. These decisions are communicated between the students, parents, coaches, physicians, administrators, and nurses. Follow up is provided on campus daily to students, making the return to the field smoother. This is why athletic trainers are essential to healthcare.

What an Athletic Trainer can do for You
Athletic trainers go beyond just icing and taping ankles. They specialize in injury prevention, wellness promotion, immediate care, therapeutic interventions and more. The athletic trainer can help you keep a sound mind knowing your students are safe during sport.
At Bishop Chatard, Andrew Catlin cares for a range of injuries, including musculoskeletal, general medicine and even psychological concerns. With an AT on campus daily, your student has access to a multidisciplinary health care professional when needed. Learn about the impact of ATs at
No Longer the “Trainer”
Athletic training was recognized by the American Medical Association as a health care profession in 1990. This step shifted an important title from “trainer” to “athletic trainer”. One simple adjective gives distinction to the years of education, observation, and training necessary to care for active individuals. By adding “athletic” in front of “trainer”, recognition is given to the expert in injury prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation.
Gone are the days of “trainer”-now it’s “ATHLETIC trainer”. If that’s too many syllables, try “AT”.
Learn more about the difference between “trainer” and “Athletic Trainer”.