Welcome to Bishop Chatard Bowling
Boys CoachGreg Miller
Girls CoachJenny Socks
Player Rosters
All AnnouncementsWinter Bowling Schedule
Check back in late fall for the next season's schedule.
2024-2025 Bowling Scorecard
Archived ScoresCheck the schedule on this page for last minute updates.
We were able to get 3 points tonight from freshman Owen Gann, Sophomores Andrew Bray and Daniel Fisher. We have half of our team back and half new so first game was about what I expected. We have a great season ahead of us and with practice our boys well only get better and gain wins. We bowl again Friday at Woodland.
We were winning against the Raiders but eased up on them and they took advantage. We did win total pins on the second game and sophomore Daniel Fisher gaves two of the three points tonight also bowling a 200 game!!! Senior Ethan Kramer bowled a 192 to give us our 3rd point and senior Nick Herrera gave us our 4th point. We are improving all the time and I see more victories in our horizon.
This was not one of our best matches but we had some bowlers come alive that have been silent lately. Senior Ethan Kramer was on fire tonight bowling a 181 and 147. Junior Kobe McClure was hot with some much needed marks but we were just overmatched tonight by the Hawks of Decatur Central. We have our next match on Monday with Position Round. This is our chance to move up and reposition. Come cheer us on.
Unfortunately, I missed this one but even though the score doesn’t show it, the frames I was emailed the boys did well. This is position round so we are pitted against the team above or below us and it happened to be Cardinal Ritter. We have been beaten by them twice now so we need to bring our A-game the rest of the season. Position Round is really a team match. Each bowler bowls 2 times in a game and we have 10 games in a match. So each bowler depends on his teammate to help with the team’s points. I was proud of our captain senior Nolan Jahn for keeping track of what each bowler was bowling and keep the team motivated. Kudos Nolan!
I missed this match due to a funeral so I am not sure if we won any games out of ten but we did not win the night.
This game seemed to get out of hand fast. We took some time getting warmed up but the Trojans forged ahead, especially Freshman Andrew Bray who gained us the 2 points of the night. He bowled a 141 and 157 to defeat his opponent in each game. Sophomore Daniel Fisher bowled a 148 to almost defeat his opponent. We were missing most of our seniors but senior Nolan Jahn started to come alive in the second game.
Still not a win but we are continuing to improve. Sophomore Daniel Fisher bowled a 178, Senior Nolan Jahn bowled a 165 and freshman Andrew Bray was on fire last night as anchor in the second game bowling a 158. This is another rebuilding season and we will lose 4 seniors but am very hopeful for the next season as we have 4 coming back. We have one match left; position round for sectionals next Wednesday the 18th.
I missed this match due to a funeral so I am not sure if we won any games out of ten but we did not win the night.
Our first match of the season. The girls did great. We have new faces this year a a couple returning. Kate Lowry had our high score of 124. We are going to have a great season.
Go Trojans! -
The girls again had a great time and did wonderful. Meghan Brown was our high score with 110. We are excited to see what the season brings. We have a great group of girls who are excited to be on the team.
We tried our hardest this game, we had 3 girls play this game and they held their own. Elena Gardner was our high score with a 113.
Keep up the good work.
Go Trojans!